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Akashic Coaching

An individual Akashic Coaching session is a Reading of Akashic Records with personal accompaniment, where in addition to the messages channeled from the Records, I help you set direction during the session so that you also find the answers within yourself and so that you know how to apply these messages to your life.

Sesiones individuales de Registros Akáshicos, terapia y sanación

Individual Sessions

In-person and online sessions lasting 1 hour. 


100 Euros/110 USD

Espiritualidad y acompañamiento personal

Accompaniment pack

Pack of 3 sessions to work on pattern release  and in the deprogramming of limiting beliefs.

Couples Pack

A package of 5 sessions specially designed to improve your relationship.

Terapia de pareja y relaciones conscientes

Business Consultations

A specific session to consult on work, business or entrepreneurship issues.

Coaching sobre negocios, emprendimiento y temas laborales
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